Please sign, and YOU can help stop the exploitation of animals in the tourist trade. This HL122 bill in the UK could help animals like elephants, tigers and other animals who face a lifetime of abuse and neglect. 

To all animal lovers,
The “Animals (Low Welfare Activities Abroad) Bill” will effectively prevent the sale and advertisement of activities abroad which involve cruelty and low standards of welfare for animals. The law would prohibit the deceptive promotion of elephant rides due to the abuse and neglect faced by literally all elephants used for tourist rides. 
The HL122 Bill has been approved in the House of Commons and is currently going through the House of Lords.
Yes, I’m an animal lover and support this bill
Reducing the demand for animals in tours will help end the practice of elephant riding at places like Amer Fort – where over 100 neglected captive elephants suffer as they are forced to give rides to tourists in blazing sun on scalding pavement.
Please sign this petition to let the House of Lords know that you support this bill – for the good of animals all over the world. Victory for elephants is in sight, but we need your help!
Sign the petition today to ensure HL122 passes!